
About CIFC

In a perfect world, every child would grow up nurtured by caring, loving parents in a safe and healthy environment. Their education would be of the highest quality. Their futures would be bright, and they would be fully prepared for the adult world of work, family and citizenship. Adults would have access to safe and affordable housing, would be gainfully employed, and possess the skills to be a capable parent and productive citizen. Our elderly residents would be able to live out their senior years with dignity and financial security. And, all of our fellow citizens, of all ages, would have access to quality health care, regardless of their ability to pay.

The challenging reality is that not every child, family or adult has such opportunities. Too many children are growing up in poverty, surrounded by violence and unhealthy adult behaviors. Our schools are stressed with the demand to produce students ready for a highly competitive global marketplace. Parents are struggling to meet the economic demands of providing for their family; an increasing number of elderly struggle to meet their basic needs with very limited incomes; and the number of children and adults who lack adequate health care and insurance, if they have any at all, continues to rise.

There is no single answer to resolving the life circumstances that low-income families encounter. The issues surrounding poverty are complicated and require a multifaceted approach to assist families in moving out of poverty and fulfilling their aspirations. The Connecticut Institute For Communities, Inc. (CIFC) is the only organization in Western Connecticut that combines health care, education, human services and housing support in a coordinated approach by providing direct services and engaging a host of community partners to work with us.